Sunday, November 24, 2013

Petite Mort II

1. Daniel- bat for lashes
Because it's the perfect opener, it conveys the mood and sets the stage for the luscious heartbreak and lust that comes after this song ends.
2. Heartbeats- the knife 
Edgy, different. This song puts me in a mood and makes me feel sexy and aware of my surroundings. 
3. Closer- tegan & sara
The lyrics say it all..."I won't treat you like you're oh so typical."
I get cloudy in the order after this...
4. Rill Rill- sleigh bells 
I'm a teenager again, I'm sharing this feeling with you because I want you to understand me and how I felt when I was 16 and knew it all. 
5. Valentine- Fiona apple
There is a hurt in me and yet I still fall in love; I'm a tulip in a cup. 
6. Under your spell- desire
It's the eighties and we are meeting by the bleachers and maybe we'll kiss and maybe we won't but you can be sure I'll be writing in my diary about you.
7. Genesis-grimes
I'm experimental and i think you might be too.
8. Extraordinary Machine- fiona apple 
I can't be smoted, I know who I am. Know that. 
9. Our hearts are wrong- Jessica Lea mayfield 
This is clearly you and me and we. Could it ever work? My self esteem is heating up the room, you're intimidating as all hell but I ain't scared of you.
10. Marilyn - bat for lashes
It's so heartbreakingly beautiful 
11. Scotty- pure bathing culture
Again, it's the 80's but this time we are sitting in your car listening to a tape not touching. You tell me I'm pretty and I smell like Baby Soft and bubblegum. I get the courage to look at you and you look at the same time and we just go for it. Our tongues touch and I yearn for more but don't know how to express it.
12. Christmas time is here- VGT 
It is now. We are almost thirty. It's snowing and it just happens naturalich. We are meant for eachother in that we have this beautiful understanding. The snow protects us. I think I might really care for you. 

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