Friday, August 14, 2015

Cut away

A memory like that of an elephant hurts when your only aim is to forget. I try to focus and be present and fail miserably sometimes. Starting something new that could mean something more means something to me. I quoted a pop star and I shouldn't be surprised if it didn't entirely win you over. Even I have to laugh at my arrogance, thinking you could even be won. I take clonazapam and drink those mini bottles of Bombay Sapphire that she brought for the trip. Being around girls in that close capacity does something to you. It's almost a gift that we could all stand eachother after. I wish I was standing on the bridge and smoking the fattest spliff with them right now. Idaho is a good place to hide. The foothills and rolling valleys and plains give purpose to the idiocy that life is sometimes. I thought about him the whole time, thought about his hands swallowing up my body. 

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