Thursday, January 1, 2015


NPay off my credit card debt!
Put my finances in clear order and meet with an advisor regarding my long term outlook.
Travel to Europe
Donate more clothing/ Home Goods 
Volunteer at the SLCAP food pantry
Take even better care of my skin. Water, moisturizer and rest.
Get the front or back part of my bathroom remodeled.
Have a light installed in the hallway
Take baby kitty to the vet 
Start contributing more to my IRA
Visit Baltimore 
Write/ Send more letters
Practice my calligraphy 
Keep working with CLC and get involved in Craft Sabbath also. 
Write an article for SLUG
Donate blood at least once a month
Volunteer at Best Friends with Ashley
Read/ craft/ create before bed
Try to get to work on time! I am losing about 15 min a shift=1 hour every 4 shifts! 
Do a Vive juice cleanse 3x in 2015
Make valentines for my friends this year
Get a giant tree for my bedroom
Put a little vanity in the guest room with tri-fold mirror and little stool
Make at least 5 new friends
Volunteer at museums and with creative arts and science organizations 
Smile liberally 

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