Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Good as Gone

I heard you didn't come in yesterday...and you didn't come in today. The wretched side of me takes secret pleasure in knowing the ache of a broken routine...especially when a delicious hot cup of coffee is involved. 1) I tried to respect your place, you just didn't think about respecting mine. 2) I decided that you were going to be OH SO TYPICAL and it wouldn't matter anymore; you wouldn't have an understanding of this though. 3) Maybe you saw how absolutley pissed/hurt/anger as hell I was when you came in on Black Friday an it hurt you to not be made to feel special. Guess what. I was made to feel un-special too. You did that and you know you did. Is shame keeping you away? "I'll not let hate be the one to make me naked for you." 4) You told your girlfriend and she urged you not to come in to the store anymore? I will probably never get more than a finger lengths clarity on any of these answers. He'll either come in or he won't. He'll either call or don't. So far its been the latter. 

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