Saturday, June 1, 2013

Maybe I'm amazed

Is it the shock of the century that people underestimate me? Or that they think I won't fight till the bitter end to protect myself and what I believe is right? There is a place in time for me, somewhere. I won't have to wonder or feel uncertainty; I'll have a few days or months or maybe years of just being happy and comfortable and definite. I feel like I get so excited for the unknown and then I get so nervous when it gets down to the nitty-gritty. 
My work situation is changing so incredibly fast and I got myself to this point and now I have to see it through. I never imagined I would get the opportunity to go back to school, especially not full-time, but I did and I am.  
Just like with everything else in my life, it's totally happenstance and out of nowhere. One thing is for damn sure though, I'll never change. I'll never stop being a whistle blower, I'll never put up with other people's bullshit, I'll never give in and I will take ALL the prisoners. Someday I will look back on all of this and laugh at how unbelievably fucking strong and smart I was and am and it will all be worth it. I just wish these people would go get a goddamn life. 

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