Monday, June 3, 2013

Bad dreams

I wake up from a nap and I feel terrible. I dreamt of an old lover and it's just awful. Oma's house is about six stories with a weird pool out back that feels haunted. He is there, upstairs, but with his girlfriend. There are lots of other people there but they are getting ready to leave. She is looking at him and he has his arm around her waist. I am in the basement in a small back bedroom that is supposedly very deep underground but I have windows that allow for an eerie, dusty kind of late afternoon sunlight. I know they are up there together, I know he loves her and doesn't remember who I am. In my dream I wake up and it is late. I hear them fighting and I hear her crying and telling him she is leaving him. I open my door and creep so quietly up the stairs. I barely crest the upper level when she sees me, looks me straight in the eye and says "I know what he is, what he does and so do you. Why are you still here?" He is standing there with a shirt on but no pants. His penis is exposed and normal-flaccid looking. He looks angry at me for being there. She turns around and walks out the front door, setting off an alarm. He stands there still staring at me; furious isn't the word. 

I wake up and it's obscenely hot in my room. My feverish dreams will only get worse as the temperatures rise. 

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