Saturday, November 29, 2014

I just

I just want you to be here. Your leg pressed against mine like last night. Your smell all over my sofa. I just can't even. You are so nice to look at and I feel like my smile must be the most fascinating thing about me because you stare me straight in the face when I do it. You are nice to my cat. You laugh with me. You made fucking toasts and a warm balsamic sauce that was delicious. You are sweet you really really are. I don't even care about punctuation and you said you told your brother you would help me with my math. I feel desperate and wanting and needy I just need you. I want you nearby all the time, it's almost on the importance of oxygen. Where are you what are you doing who are you with what are you thinking about are you thinking of me, tell me. Come back over here. Take a cab since the trains aren't running this late. Please please come hug me again. I just wanted to grab your face and fucking kiss you. 

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