Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Ok, but why?

Parties make me happy. They make me stressed and then they make me happy. I'm definitely having problems with myself right now but the over-indulgent little wench I am right now has no issue with skipping school (and dropping all but one of my classes), staying at home, painting, sleeping and netflixing all day. I barely even work at Starbucks anymore. I'm fucking depressed but if throwing this Halloween party will get me excited then good golly I will grasp it with both hands. I could cry over how ambivalent I am right now. I wanted to be the girl with the most cake and now I am and I have been and I'm miserable. I need a real fucking job, not just serving coffee. Even the customers know I am not supposed to be there. I need to sleep. It's 2am and I am awake. No song to sing, not light to hold. 

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