Sunday, June 2, 2013

Be Proud

It has been strange not working. I wake up at 7:00am still and lay awake wondering what I will do today. Being on vacation is one thing, being suspended from work is an entirely different feeling. Keeping busy hasn't been hard; I am catching up on some housecleaning that has gone undone for a few months (think behind the fridge, under the stove, cleaning out cabinets, organizing my desk etc.) My dresser will always be haphazard, I like my jewelery thrown around, it makes me think I have more than I really do.
where did I put my red, white and blue sequined headband?
Another silver lining to this ridiculous mess is the amount of time I can dedicate to finding scholarships and people/businesses that will pay for me to go to college. This takes up approximately four hours each day spent searching, writing essays, filling out applications, submitting and updating.
This is me adjusting my glasses in order to better read the fine print

It is disheartening to see how many scholarships there aren't for women like me. It sucks to be made to feel "Oh, I came from a two parent home, wasn't a battered housewife or a single teen mom and am not a minority and so I don't qualify for MOST of the scholarships offered."
 One day, when I am comfortable enough to, I will have a scholarship program that is open to ALL women who dropped out of high school and got their GED immediately. Candidates will be more readily considered if they entered the workforce at a young age and then purchased a home before the age of thirty without a spouse or other means of financial support. My essay questions will include: 
"Describe in no more than 250 words a situation in your life
where you felt you had to make a difficult choice." and "What is your most favorite personal characteristic and how has it served you and your education."
This picture is of my Oma on what I believe is a 1940 Opel Kadett

 Anyway, It's PRIDE week here in Salt Lake City so Bre and I made badges as a show of support.

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