Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Don't think twice, it's alright

I am excited and anxious to say I am in the beginning stages of Phase 4. What is Phase 4 you ask? Dear reader, let me educate you. Every broken relationship you will have (or had) carries with it secret embedded lists that you may or may not know about. These lists commonly begin with "1. Don't call him." The hardest part of breaking up is indeed the "walking away" phase. I like to visualize my Phases as this:
Phases not Phasers

Phase 1) Break up with bad boyfriend.

Phase 2) Make a life altering decision to move across the United States.

Phase 3) Find your dream job in your calling and background.

Phase 4) Buy a home all by yourself.

Phase 5) Meet a companion that is all you have ever hoped for.

This may seem silly but you know that crazy ol Walt Disney said "If you can dream it, you can do it." It's true, it's on motivational posters allover the internet.

The first four phases are really the most important...the last one is thrown in there for good measure. I have never been a "dater." I am not good at it and I probably never will be. My relationships tend to blossom from happen-stance and who-knows-what. I figured that five phases is better than four; although I could just skip to Phase 5 1/2) Have a baby.

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